A two hour session working towards the Pony Club Mini Badges.
Saturday December 14th at 1pm - Feeding & Points of the Horse
Sunday December 15th at 10am - Feeding & Points of the Horse
Saturday December 21st at 1pm - Grooming & Tack Cleaning
Saturday 11th January at 1pm - Bandages and Rugs & Needs of a Pony Summer and Winter
Sunday 12th January at 10am - Bandages and Rugs & Needs of a Pony Summer and Winter
Saturday 25th January at 1pm - Mucking Out & Points of Tack
Sunday 26th January at 10am - Mucking Out & Points of Tack
Saturday 8th February at 1pm - Pony Behaviour & Pony Health
Sunday 9th February at 10am - Pony Behaviour & Pony Health
Saturday 22nd February at 1pm - Poisonous Plants & Plaiting
Sunday 23rd February at 10am - Poisonous Plants & PlaitingPony Club Mini Badges
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